Weekend Binge? Want to know how to get back on track for the new week?
It’s very common that people go off the rails with their diet at the weekend, you get out of control ordering a takeaway, smashing through a tub of Ben & Jerry's ice cream or demolishing a few bags of sweets. Your vice could also be alcohol, you ended up drinking 10 beers whilst on a night out or an entire bottle of wine while out for a meal, you and now feel incredibly guilty.
Firstly, its OK TO GO OFF THE RAILS now and then, it happens, that’s life!
If this happens just be open and honest about it, you can then work to offset the damage, one bad day's food is not going to destroy your physique, exactly the same as how one day's good food won’t build your physique, its consistency that counts! Now I am going to give you 3 Easy steps to offset the Weekend food fest!
Firstly, its OK TO GO OFF THE RAILS now and then, it happens, that’s life!
If this happens just be open and honest about it, you can then work to offset the damage, one bad day's food is not going to destroy your physique, exactly the same as how one day's good food won’t build your physique, its consistency that counts! Now I am going to give you 3 Easy steps to offset the Weekend food fest!
Increase your Energy expenditure
Personally one of the best ways to offset overeating is to increase your energy expenditure! I would suggest getting some form of cardiovascular training done the following morning after the food fest.
Do whatever you want just work hard, run, swim, and do cardio in the gym whatever you fancy. I have a great home based workout plan that can be utilised in these instances which is my Zero Weights Workout plan This does come with a caveat, I don’t want you to get the debit credit mentality that you can eat more crap food and just do more cardio as with anything, and this only works up until a certain point. The laws of diminishing returns come to mind.
Increase Water Intake
Water is vital to pretty much all bodily functions if you went out drinking alcohol chances are you will end up being very dehydrated if you overate on junk food chances are you're dehydrated from all the processed salts. I would aim to increase your water intake by at least 2 liters to help flush out the crap from the weekend.
Personally Upon waking I like to have 0.5 liters of cold water with ice and freshly cut lemons squeezed into it, followed by a shot of organic apple cider vinegar to get my digestion back on point and re-hydrate.
Water is vital to pretty much all bodily functions if you went out drinking alcohol chances are you will end up being very dehydrated if you overate on junk food chances are you're dehydrated from all the processed salts. I would aim to increase your water intake by at least 2 liters to help flush out the crap from the weekend.
Personally Upon waking I like to have 0.5 liters of cold water with ice and freshly cut lemons squeezed into it, followed by a shot of organic apple cider vinegar to get my digestion back on point and re-hydrate.
Cut Calories
If you overeat at the weekend this is another great way to mitigate the damage, I would drop your calories by at least 10%, so, for example, your diet is 3,000 calories a day, drop to 2,700 for 4 days which would account to 1200 calories!
Cutting your calories for a few days will help to balance out the eating over the week so it will make less of an impact on your total overall calorie intake!
To Summarise
So these are my TOP 3 TIPS to get back on track after a binge,
If you are serious about getting in shape and getting leaner after a slice of pizza too far check out my compressive FAT LOSS program. This contains a FULL 3-month training program, diet plan, and supplement protocol. For further info on the plan please click on the image below!
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