Why I do what I do
I spend a lot of time on here speaking about different topics, such as weight loss, motivation and general content that I think will bring my audience the most value.
Which is great, we should be ensuring that we are giving the best value, and most value to our audiences at all times because they have decided to invest into us. That doesn’t mean they have had to part with their money, they could have invested time, effort and patience with us which can be just as valuable.
I was asked recently why I do what I do? Why did I quit my full-time job high paying job to pursue this passion of mine?
The answer is actually quite simple.
I absolutely adore helping people, in my case it is with their fitness, their health and lives in general. This is what really sets my heart on fire and I have decided to invest 100% of myself into it. I don’t think some people understand the fulfillment that comes along with seeing someone achieve something that they may have never thought was possible, or they may have tried a countless amount of time on their own trying to achieve it, but it never happened, or they lost motivation or maybe they needed that extra hand to guide them.
No one can really take themselves seriously in a role like this unless it is actually something they want to do fully, clients of mine have continuously expressed how engaged I am with them, how much time I put into them and the knowledge that I bring to the table.
This is because I am always trying to step up to the next level, I take a ton of courses, I seek advice from others who are in the business, I am always aiming to expand my knowledge and give that to my community.
I have the utter pleasure of having an audience that believes in me, so why not try and give them 110% of what I can do. It is really that simple.
Interested in taking control of your fitness and your life
Check out my programs and let’s see if I can help you achieve your goals.