Why is logging your food the key to FAT LOSS!

Why is logging your food the key to FAT LOSS!

Why is logging your food the key to FAT LOSS!

A lot of people think that keeping a food journal is more of a hindrance than actually doing you any good in the long run and to be honest, they are 100% wrong. Though I do have to fully admit that keeping a food journal does take time, and effort, also patience over a period of time because you need to find out what works for you, because maybe a Sunday evening during maybe a meal prep session is the best time for you to jot down everything you are going to eat that week. Sometimes planning it the evening before the next day works for people so they have a little variety in their diet.


But at the end of the day, logging what you eat in the day IS going to help you lose weight, because you will physically be able to see what you are consuming and then if you have any sort of fitness tracker, like a fitbit you can also track how much you are burning during your session which makes this process so much easier.


Keeping a food journal also doesn’t take as much time as people think, usually you can bash it all out within a half hour period and you are set for the week. But this will come from learning what is actually in your food and when you do that, you will definitely be able to keep eating the things that you love in moderation and achieve your goals.


Different food trackers:


Now you could also do it the old fashion way and keep an actual journal, pen and paper and write down everything you need to know. I know people who have whiteboard charts on their fridges that tells them everything they are going to consume in the day or week alongside their exercise regime. A bonus to this is that you can physically see it in front of you whenever you are getting tempted by whatever lurks in the fridge.


Another way is apps. The best one for me personally is my custom CJ Coaching APP or MyFitnessPal, both are very easy to log everything in and if you want too you can just scan the barcode and it does it for you. Fantastic for people who are on the go most of the time but need to know what their diet entails on certain days and also for those sneaky treats that you can slip into your macros every once in a while.


As suggested before we have watches now like FitBit where you can also log everything that you are doing during the day. Though the app is not as high spec as MyFitnessPal it still does the trick.

"Thank you Charlie!!! I started this journey with you 12 weeks ago and I was the heaviest I have ever been in my life. The structure of the entire program from the workouts to the meal plans have made it easy for me to work into my hectic days. The sharing of information through IG videos, posts, and pictures have helped keep me motivated to reach my goals. I just signed up for my next round of 12 weeks and I am looking forward to jumping into it right away! I purposely had not done a before and after comparison until yesterday and I am EXTREMELY happy with the results! Thank you once again for keeping me on track!" Javier from Spain

Be Honest:


Now the finish of this article for you, the best thing to do when you undertake getting yourself a food journal is to be honest with yourself. Track that mars bar if you have one because then you can see how much extra work you need to do, or what you need to change over the next week or so to make up for it. 

No one here is trying to stop you from eating foods that you love, but we do want you to become the best possible versions of yourself and little steps like this can really help.


Now if you need any help achieving your fitness goals! Feel free to drop me a message for a chat!

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