David Harris from the UK
With Charlies help I have turned my life around and dropped half of my bodyweight, thank you Charlie for saving my life, David from the UK
David Harris from the UK
With Charlies help I have turned my life around and dropped half of my bodyweight, thank you Charlie for saving my life, David from the UK

Paul Andrews from the UK
"I couldn’t have achieved what have without Charlie’s expert guidance. I’m leaps and bounds ahead of where I thought I would be after just 8 weeks. The idea of carb...
Paul Andrews from the UK
"I couldn’t have achieved what have without Charlie’s expert guidance. I’m leaps and bounds ahead of where I thought I would be after just 8 weeks. The idea of carb...

Carwyn from the UK
"More amazing results from Carwyn in the UK. Absolutely smashed the program and can't see where he goes from here."
Carwyn from the UK
"More amazing results from Carwyn in the UK. Absolutely smashed the program and can't see where he goes from here."

Dennis from Denmark
"Not only making results in the UK, but making movements all over the world! Dennis did amazing over the 8 weeks and really committed himself to the program."
Dennis from Denmark
"Not only making results in the UK, but making movements all over the world! Dennis did amazing over the 8 weeks and really committed himself to the program."

Kyle from the UK
"Over 10kg lost in 8 weeks! That is crazy insane! Diet on point, plan on point and a completely different mindset! So so happy."
Kyle from the UK
"Over 10kg lost in 8 weeks! That is crazy insane! Diet on point, plan on point and a completely different mindset! So so happy."